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New Insights Dashboard

A rundown of the new Insights dashboard features for schools

Ellis Clopton avatar
Written by Ellis Clopton
Updated over a week ago

The insights tab for school accounts has received an update with new features designed to give schools more visibility and insight into the deals their athletes are accepting and completing on Opendorse.

Completed Deals

The first tab you'll be greeted with after clicking Insights will be an overview of all deals your athletes have completed on Opendorse. Completed deals are deals that athletes have provided proof of completion for and were paid for as a result.

You will be greeted with three Overview datasets, which display your total percentage of deals that were completed, accepted or expired. You will also notice each percentage is accompanied by an average for deals across Opendorse, which can be used as benchmark average for comparison.

Beneath that, you will find a more detailed breakdown of your school's athletes' deal completion breakdown. This will show you the total number of deals athletes on your roster have completed on Opendorse as well as which deal activity type has been completed the most. You will also be able to see how your institution's deal completion rate ranks on Opendorse compared to others.

Below that, you will be able to access a month-to-month breakdown of deals organized by year. By hovering your mouse over a specific month, you will be able to get your deals broken down for that month across every year your athletes were completing deals on Opendorse.

The Completed Deals Insights tab will also give you two sets of rankings-- one for total earnings and deals grouped by each individual athlete and one grouped by sport.

Pending Deals

The other new tab in the updated Insights dashboard is the Pending Deals info tab. This will give you information about all deals sent to athletes on your school roster that have not been accepted or rejected by them yet. A deal will remain for the athlete's consideration in Pending status for 14 days before automatically expiring.

The pending deals breakdown will give you an idea of the ratio of brand offers in pending versus fan offers in pending, and you will also be given the total number of pending deals for athletes on your roster, the average deal value of a pending deal and the total amount of outstanding earnings athletes could potentially earn if they accept the deal offers.

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